When a medical problem is unusually complicated, I will refer my patients to a physician who is a subspecialist. A subspecialist is a physician who has had advanced training in a particular disease or organ.
I believe it is our role to inform you how to promote good health. In order to accomplish this, we may prescribe medicines, order laboratory tests or recommend that you alter your life style. However, you must make the final decisions regarding all health matters. It is our hope that you will base your decisions on information you receive from us, other health care professionals, books, magazines, your family and friends and meld these opinions with your own personal “philosophy of life” in order to decide the best therapy for you.
Please CLICK on the tab “pages to print” and complete the enclosed medical questionnaire and forms and bring them with you to your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel at least 24 hour in advance. We look forward to seeing you.
Moises Siperstein, M.D.